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The astonishing CAPITOL can reopen with your help

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cover-implica-te Capitol

The astonishing CAPITOL can reopen with your help


Capitol Theater can reopen!

When? It’s up to you. Let’s give a helping hand to reactivate one of the greatest places in Bucharest.

Maybe you went over there today and you did not notice it. And that’s not because of you, but because the place has almost totally disappeared, though it’s right there in the heart of the city. It is in an advanced state of degradation and almost has been forgotten and deleted from the cultural map of our city, the tormented Bucharest.

We are the Save or Cancel team and this is exactly what we’re trying to prevent from happening. Join us in these rescue efforts. Do not Cancel!

It’s very simple:

If you are a company, you can get involved by donating a sum of money.
Over the past two years, we have managed to raise 69,000 euros through co-financing in our campaign. We are also glad to invest your contribution in promoting your brand, every time we organize exhibitions, conferences, installations or project calls. And we do that all the time. In addition, we also have a lot of very interesting promotional articles and materials that your brand might benefit from. Take a look right here.

We also have other benefits and opportunities for recognition: the active involvement of the company in the events we organize periodically, the promotion of the company through CAPITOL means of communication (including printed materials, electronic materials and social media). Also, you and your employees can volunteer with our team in various projects, and the brand name will be included on the donors’ list, which appears permanently on our site.

If you want to be a partner in our campaign, help us with products and services of any kind, well, you are more than welcome. Maybe you don’t have enough resources. No problem at all, you can still help us with a letter of support signed by you or the organization you represent.

You can also get involved with volunteering. We want to meet you! We believe that anyone can contribute with their professional experience, by writing articles, conducting historical, urban or social studies. Or simply by promoting our campaign to save an emblematic place called Capitol. How? Nothing simpler: personalize your profile or webpage with the image of our campaign and help us build the future of this monument by answering survey questions.

CAPITOL needs each of us. Don’t be a bystander.


Send a message to and tell us what you can do to help.


Together we can save the Capitol monument. We’re waiting for you to join the team!

Contact for more details.
Learn more about the CAPITOL Cinema / Summer Theatre and the awareness campaign here.
This cultural project co-financed under the Bucharest Cultural Program Participatory City by the Bucharest City Hall through the ARCUB Cultural Center of Bucharest.
The multi-annual cultural programme “hub cultural Cinema / Summer Theatre CAPITOL” is co-funded by AFCN. The program does not necessarily represent the position of the National Cultural Fund Administration. AFCN is not responsible for the content of the program or the way the program results can be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the beneficiary of the funding.


Organizer: Save or Cancel
Partners: AFCN, ArCub, PMB, CNDBTeatrul MicCinema Marconi, RADEFCarol 53, Monumente Uitate / Asociația ARCHÉCalup, Mellow Drinks, Plaja de Carte, Someș Delivery
Media partners: ZeppelinIQadsSmark, Iqool, Assamblage, Citatepedia,,,, Art7Arte și meseriiDizainăr
Graphic design: Acme Industries, Alexa Frîncu
Text: Hildegard Ignătescu, Cristina Popa (random) și Andrei Racovițan (ubic)
About Save or Cancel
Since 2008, Save or Cancel is a medium of communication and propagation of the arts and culture, promoting and facilitating their role in contemporary society.
The self-initiated multidisciplinary programs of Save or Cancel aim to identify sustainable and adaptable opportunities for (re) valorisation of the existence through architectural, cultural and editorial projects.

cinema/ teatru de vara CAPITOL

Other articles in the awareness campaign:
7 remarkable CAPITOL items, now on
WINNER: Open call for CAPITOL – Photography
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BTLT: #FLUID / The Stage is Yours performance // OPEN CALL Winner: Augmented Space Agency / CAPITOL Continuum @ Teatrul de vară CAPITOL
BTLT: Pisica Pătrată semnal urban @ Teatrul de vară CAPITOL
VOTE: open calls for CAPITOL
NEW Open calls for CAPITOL
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BTLT: Cum a fost la Someș Delivery 2017, Cluj?
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OPEN CALL DESIGN – Shape the future of CAPITOL
despre și regenerare urbană prin artă – un interviu IQads cu Save or Cancel
Cinema / Teatrul de vară CAPITOL 2017-2018
Capitol Cinema / Summer Theatre history and future 1912 – 2020
41 de foste și actuale cinematografe în București
38 de teatre din București
22 de clădiri reabilitate care pun în valoare patrimoniul din România

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