The Institute presents the first edition of the Creative Quarter’s map, the first such initiative in Bucharest. The map reunites the cultural spaces and organizations, creative studios and the stores in the Creative Quarter and will be distributed in 5,000 copies. The initiative will make the most of Bucharest’s cultural creativity and the effervescence, by focusing on one of the most vibrant and well-connected areas in the Capital city.
The map reveals 82 benchmarks that have been identified and mapped through a wide research process. Therefore the spaces have been clustered as following: eight art galleries, 27 creative studios, 20 bars and restaurants, two museums and two universities, 12 spaces dedicated to the stage arts, eight stores and other three spaces of public interest.
The project gets together creative businesses, cultural organizations and institutions to develop proper creation, production and entertainment conditions.
The Quarter capitalizes the entrepreneurship energies as well as the urban development potential of the creative industries.

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„We think that the map, which is only one of the Creative Quarter’s tools, is a material that will contribute to the city’s branding process once it gets into the tourists’ pocket. By promoting the cultural effervescence, Bucharest can set itself as a creative strength pole in Eastern Europe (…) Our country enjoys the public sympathy due to the Romanians’ creativity. We are renowned in Europe for our creative tops, but the infrastructure that enabled the formation of these peaks is not known,” said Andrei Borțun, CEO The Institute.
The visual identity of the Creative Quarter and the graphics of the map are signed by Paula Rusu, graphic designer and illustrator.
The map of the Creative Quarter is available here.